14:01:08 From Angela : We have a total of 2 people watching. 14:01:38 From Regina (PLAN) : Thanks, Angela! 14:21:25 From Regina (PLAN) : Do you separate by reading level, too? 14:21:26 From Katie : Hi Jan! I'm slowly starting by putting labels on my fiction books. 14:21:31 From Sabrina : I work in an academic library. I am very curious about this topic. 14:21:36 From Sabrina : This is a learning experience for me. 14:21:51 From Doris : We have adult Mysteries and Science Fiction separate from the rest of fiction. I would like to include Romance as well. 14:22:12 From Katie : Humor, Historical Fiction, Fantasy... 14:22:48 From Doris : Only Adult Fiction at this point. 14:23:06 From Doris : Our patrons do like it. 14:23:09 From Regina (PLAN) : Do you separate sci fi and fantasy or mix them? 14:23:14 From Katie : Do you find it difficult when a teacher/student comes in looking for a specific title? 14:24:33 From Denise : Great job, Jan! 14:30:29 From Katie : What a great idea using your students for help, research, etc.! 14:37:39 From Doris : Barnes & Noble 14:37:47 From Regina (PLAN) : Bookstore 14:37:51 From Angela : Dewey 14:38:10 From Mary : Dewey for now! 14:38:46 From Katie : Yes!!! 14:39:28 From Regina (PLAN) : If you send it to me, I'll share it with everyone. 14:39:34 From Angela : Thank you 14:39:40 From Katie : Thank you, Jan! Great job! 14:39:40 From Doris : Thank you. Very interesting. 14:39:41 From Jennifer : I would love to have the presentation! 14:39:45 From Mary Beth : Thank you. 14:39:49 From Jennifer : Thank you so much! 14:40:37 From Jan : Thank you for being here and sharing. 14:40:38 From Jennifer : Thank you for sharing! 14:40:44 From T.L. : Thank you 14:43:45 From Mary : thanks!