11:06:08 From Kristen Mattson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S575jWR01yu23et_7bNk4WyOTt0xDf1h/view?usp=sharing 11:11:49 From Kristen Mattson: https://cyberflorida.org/ 11:17:02 From Kelly McDonald - TBLC: Welcome everyone! 11:18:08 From Susan : Wasn't that a shredder? 11:18:34 From Susan : I guess it's a ballot box. but who knows? 11:19:12 From Kelly McDonald - TBLC: Be sure to select Panelists and Attendees in the blue drop down 11:19:26 From Margaret : we don't know anything about what those papers are, and what those boxes are, and whether those folks are democrats, or someone else 11:19:48 From E: Party does not matter 11:19:57 From William : No. 11:20:01 From Pam : Not enough information to confirm that 11:20:02 From Sila : It does not. Not enough information is provided 11:20:03 From Susan : No..it does not provide any evidence of anything 11:20:04 From Naomi : This video does not provide strong evidence of anything. 11:20:05 From Demaris: Nope 11:20:09 From Cindy : My husband works for the local Supervisor of Elections, and on election days it looks very similar to this! 11:20:12 From Andrea : No, not at all 11:20:15 From Susan : You'd have to be there 11:20:24 From Angela: It's difficult to make that decision based on that video 11:20:28 From Sila : Leading labeling too that indicates a bias 11:20:51 From Cindy : They SEE it so they believe it! 11:21:00 From Margaret : you'd have to know what the normal process of processing votes is to know whether this is suspicious 11:21:05 From Susan : Forget students. What about conspiracy idiots? 11:21:07 From Naomi : Students would say yes. 11:21:08 From Pam : Someone with no frame of reference for voting procedures certainly could think tampering is going on 11:21:11 From Cindy : My husband works for the local Supervisor of Elections, and on election days it looks very similar to this! 11:21:16 From stacey: The scene where she takes the papers out from under something could be hard to make sense of 11:21:24 From Cindy : They SEE it so they believe it! 11:21:34 From Susan : Yes but they don't know what they are seeing 11:21:37 From Angela: Students would notice how guilty some of the people looked doing it behind other people's backs and looking around to see if anyone is watching. 11:21:42 From Miriam : Not having any voting experience, I could see how students would think that it could prove fraud. 11:21:49 From William : Body language is ambiguous and questionable 11:22:15 From Stephanie: It's leading - the instance of them saying "doesn't she look guilty?" TO me she looked tired 11:22:25 From Miriam : I was enjoying the music. :-) 11:22:30 From Susan : LOL 11:23:28 From Susan : wow.... 11:23:59 From Cindy : Unfortunately this kind of thing happens all the time. :-( 11:25:15 From Margaret : this is especially bad on health websites - they now make the ads look exactly like the links to other parts of the website. it's especially bad for folks with limited vision, since they put the little "sponsored content" notice in small font in light grey 11:25:19 From Cindy : Dark money happens in elections too. 11:26:01 From Rene : would a climate change website associated with a environment group have misinformation? 11:26:37 From Miriam : It is scary how easy it is to manipulate videos to show whatever you want it to show. It is hard to know what to believe. 11:26:37 From Susan : Right..just giving them contextless rules and formulas 11:26:39 From Rene: would a climate change website associated with a environmental group have misinformation? 11:26:48 From Susan : Deep fakes 11:28:20 From Cindy : Here's a nice blog a coworker did earlier this year about misinformation. https://www.aclib.us/CombatMisinformation 11:29:16 From Jesus : can you comment on the distrust of the trust?---, basically a lot of people seem not to want to trust anything, it seems it is popular to accept distrust and question trust, good things on the surface, but then nothing has consensus. Any thoughts are appreciated. 11:30:24 From Jules : Not in Florida 11:30:33 From Susan : France? 11:30:34 From Brian : Los Angeles 11:30:41 From Ashley : LA 11:30:44 From Margaret : Hollywood 11:30:53 From Miriam : Chicago? 11:31:09 From stacey: Minneapolis 11:31:21 From Lynn : snow 11:31:23 From Ashley : theater 11:31:24 From Susan : The word Pantages 11:31:25 From Stephanie: language on the construction signs 11:31:25 From Miriam : Snow, the theater 11:31:25 From S: Pantages Theater 11:31:26 From Cindy : Pantages theater 11:31:26 From Pam : Pantages theatre 11:31:28 From Brian : A movie theater 11:31:30 From Anna : English 11:31:33 From Margaret : is that snow or ash? 11:31:34 From Stephanie: license plates 11:31:34 From E: police 11:31:36 From Nemoure : police cars 11:31:40 From Susan : Police line do not cross crime tape 11:31:41 From Cindy : The police crossing line is backwards 11:31:43 From Dorothee : police line 11:31:52 From Pam : Dates Feb- Mar 11:31:56 From Jesus : I would search what Panatages is or where 11:32:00 From E : check the license plate on car 11:32:05 From Pam : Cars and types of models 11:32:07 From Lynn : pantages theater in LA 11:32:07 From Jesus : Pantagees 11:32:13 From Sarah : Minneapolis 11:32:14 From stacey: the dates are formatted in American style 11:32:25 From Alexia : Minnesota 11:32:51 From Cathy : Theater name and police cars. 11:32:52 From Jules : Minneapolis? 11:32:57 From Margaret : this is the google maps image of Pantages theatre - does it match the picture, or could it have been photoshopped in? 11:32:59 From Margaret : https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x80c2bf3902b82703%3A0xe8160385b2f0d6ce!3m1!7e115!4s%2Fmaps%2Fplace%2FHollywood%2BPantages%2BTheatre%2F%4034.1016413%2C-118.3258264%2C3a%2C75y%2C4.82h%2C90t%2Fdata%3D*213m4*211e1*213m2*211seBL7H6pxw5zNk3yCbqqfDg*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x80c2bf3902b82703%3A0xe8160385b2f0d6ce%3Fsa%3DX!5sHollywood%20Pantages%20Theatre%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e2!2seBL7H6pxw5zNk3yCbqqfDg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiqztP98o_xAhWLQjABHQAJBmUQpx8wJ3oECHYQCA 11:33:10 From Demaris: You can look it up where the theatre is 11:33:50 From Jennifer : I used to use that website on my school visits! 11:34:24 From William : Theatre is in New York 11:35:13 From Susan : snow 11:35:31 From Suzanne : sign & street lights seem to match Minneapolis 11:35:38 From William : There is one in Manhatten 11:35:41 From April : The only thing that worries me about lateral reading (which I think is important) is that sometimes the same piece of erroneous information can be picked up by many different outlets. 11:39:15 From Margaret : this is where I'd use tineye to see if I could find the first website that posted this image - it would likely be the news article reporting on the story 11:39:30 From Kristen Mattson: tineye.com 11:39:46 From Kelly McDonald - TBLC: https://tineye.com/ 11:42:52 From Kristen Mattson: wunderground.com 11:44:07 From Cindy : Great site for folks who need to know weather for car accident cases. Was it really raining and the roads were slick??? 11:45:13 From Cindy : LOVE Snopes! 11:46:09 From Kristen Mattson: https://www.invid-project.eu/tools-and-services/invid-verification-plugin/ 11:50:19 From Stephanie: already I can tell that keyframe is off because the lighting on the road sign is different from the surrounding lighting - that doesn't look right at all 11:53:20 From Rebecca : Why isn't the print on his shirt wrinkled like the rest of the shirt? 11:53:23 From Stephanie: another thing to point out: the folds in the fabric would make the text look less smooth. The image on the right MIGHT work because of the shadowing but it's not correct 11:55:30 From Kristen Mattson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S575jWR01yu23et_7bNk4WyOTt0xDf1h/view?usp=sharing 11:55:55 From Naomi : Library not allowing me to access invid 11:56:35 From Stephanie: the dog was inserted - the trim on his fur is too perfect, too clean 11:56:41 From William : The dog is obviously added over another picture 11:57:20 From Cindy : https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/30/us/politics/trump-dog.html 11:57:23 From Miriam : The thing he is putting around the dog's neck looks like it was added. 11:57:31 From Cathy : Dog was added, award ribbon was added. 11:57:44 From Sila : A reverse image search revealed several different dates of its first arrival. I am sorting by oldest to see if I can find the original 11:57:53 From Sarah : Is it Biden’s Major? 11:58:04 From Susan : Google image search gives articles about the image 11:58:38 From Sila : Look at this photo! Looks very similar from Fox News 2017: https://a57.foxnews.com/images.foxnews.com/content/fox-news/us/slideshow/2017/07/31/james-mccloughan-first-person-to-receive-medal-honor-from-president-trump/_jcr_content/slideshow-par/slide_image_2/image.img.jpg/876/493/1501531351905.jpg?tl=1&ve=1 11:58:47 From Susan : In July 2017, President Donald Trump draped the Medal of Honor around the neck of Vietnam war veteran James McCloughan. On Wednesday, he posted a photo of that moment with McCloughan's image replaced by that of the hero dog. Washington Post article 11:59:07 From Lynn : https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/oct/30/trump-latest-news-tweet-dog-isis 11:59:28 From Cathy : Trump gave Medal of Honor to Mathew Williams. 11:59:38 From Jules : I was having trouble uploading so I googled trump dog medal and that was the first result 11:59:41 From Stephanie: wooooowwwww 12:00:20 From Susan : I'd be insulted if I had been McCloughan 12:00:33 From Margaret : NY Times asked McCloughan and apparently he was fine with it 12:00:37 From Sila : Even satire can be dangerous for the misinformed.. 12:01:01 From Sharon : Trump's eyes look closed on the left. 12:01:25 From William : War of the world radio program 12:01:27 From Rene: cute image of a hero dog getting a Metal of Honor by Trump 12:01:29 From Stephanie: did anyone see that USA Today last week with the "news" about the babies being born with horns? It was noted as "advertisement" but certain people could look at it badly 12:01:33 From Margaret : Like how everyone has an elderly relative who has taken an onion article literally 12:01:56 From Margaret : Even though The Onion is very famous for being a parody website 12:01:58 From Kristen Mattson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-G_5DTXJ7sbCMOr-2tb1rHIme0JUmWpG/view?usp=sharing 12:02:12 From Heather : Can you say again how to do the heatmap tool in Invid? 12:03:25 From Heather : Thanks 12:03:31 From Cindy : Snopes brought it up very quickly. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hannah-microwave-butterflies/ 12:04:12 From Margaret : Apparently it was from a parody advertisement twitter account that is no longer active: https://twitter.com/WeFixYourAdvert 12:04:45 From Lynn : https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hannah-microwave-butterflies/ 12:04:51 From Margaret : straight up googling microwaving butterflies it can't be that common 12:05:06 From Lynn : googled "match Hannah microwaves..." 12:05:21 From Cindy : Yes. Remember, I LOVE Snopes! Used the keywords. 12:06:09 From Margaret : she giggles at "Cockfosters", which is the name of a metro station in London - this was a metro ad 12:06:47 From Miriam : I can't do any of this on my work computer but I can't wait to try it at home. Lots of current news shared lately that I would love to know if it is true or not. 12:07:03 From Cindy : @Miriam- AGREED! ;-) 12:07:24 From Sila : The Hannah image has double JPEG quantization inconsistencies per the forensic tool search with INVID 12:09:04 From Susan : quantization? 12:09:28 From Cindy : @Sila, what is that in plain English? ;-) 12:09:30 From Susan : Very cool presentation 12:10:16 From Sila : @Cindy - LOL I do not know. That's Invid's language 12:10:23 From Cindy : LOL! 12:10:36 From Sila : Snopes says: "“Hannah” wasn’t really microwaving butterflies, however, nor was that trait assigned to her by Match.com’s advertising campaign. The popular image of her was the product of the (now-dormant) Twitter account WeFixYourAdverts, which posted versions of advertisements that had been tweaked through digital manipulation to make them darkly humorous." https://twitter.com/WeFixYourAdvert 12:10:44 From William : Are there any legal consequences for using images found on the web without permission for the owner. 12:10:59 From Kristen : tinyurl.com/aste20 12:11:14 From Kelly McDonald - TBLC: Woohoo! Thank you :) 12:11:15 From Margaret : woohoo free stuff 12:11:17 From Ashley : Thank you! 12:11:27 From Lea: Thank you! That is awesome! 12:11:28 From Sila : Thanks so much!! This has been very helpful 12:11:30 From Lynn : Thank you! Very interesting! 12:11:32 From Rebecca : Are you a Tom Hanks fan? :) 12:11:36 From Heather: Thanks, this was great! 12:11:37 From kassie : thanks!! 12:11:37 From Sarah : Thank you - great tools! 12:11:39 From N: Thank you, great presentation. 12:11:43 From Stephanie: thanks, great ifno!! 12:11:44 From Rebecca : haha 12:11:45 From Stephanie: *info! 12:11:46 From E: Thanks! 12:11:47 From Jennifer : Thank you! 12:11:47 From Krystle : thanks 12:11:47 From Lesley : Great presentation. Thank you! 12:11:53 From Miriam : This was fantastic. 12:11:54 From Jennifer : Regarding CRAAP, I agree it's not sufficient for determining credibility, but I wouldn't cut it entirely. I still have students choosing sources for research assignments that are not current, relevant, etc. "Purpose" speaks to the climate change/fossil fuel industry bias issue, satire, etc.. CRAAP is one tool among many in the toolbox. You just need the right tool(s) for the right job. 12:11:55 From Susan : TY 12:11:56 From William : Great presentation 12:11:56 From Angela: Great presentation! Thank you 12:11:58 From Sharon : thanks 12:12:01 From Cindy : Thank you. So interesting. This could have even been a longer presentation. 12:12:06 From Pam : Great presentation!!! Thank you so much! 12:12:09 From Stephanie: Oh you can also use the SIFT method too! 12:12:17 From Brian : Much enjoyed this presentation!